What is this?
Munrobotic is a website run by Lawrence Munro. There are two parts to the site, a long-form blog and a weekly newsletter called ‘Briefly Briefed:’.
The newsletter goes out weekly (Wednesdays or Thursdays). The concept is that it negates having to read all the information about frameworks, news and developments within the Cybersecurity industry by providing summaries. I curate the feed based on what I believe will be interesting to the readership and represents the ‘big happenings’ of the week. I provide a link to the content as a heading, with a custom summary of the post (of ~150 words) below. There is a sub-section for each snippet entitled ‘So What?’ This provides my take on the post, and why it may be interesting and to whom. The idea is that this saves you time and hopefully provides additional insight, without overwhelming the reader with hundreds of links.
The long form blog posts tend to be about a mix of Cybersecurity challenges, normally at a strategic level, and leadership. I create an audio summary of around 2 mins for each, so that you can decide if it’s worth reading the rest of the content, or just get a primer of the topic.
Do you use LLM generated content?
Yes, and no. I’d describe my usage as ‘AI assisted’. For the summaries I create, I utilise AI for a subset (normally around half) of the articles. This is typically for longer articles, which are difficult to summarise manually. I will normally edit the AI generated summaries manually as well. Additionally, I use LLMs to pull out summaries of section headings to save time with copy and paste. The rest of the newsletter (‘so what’ and intro) is wholly manually written by me.
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